Website Manager

Goleta Valley South Little League


  • Eligibility

    • Who is eligible to register for the GVSLL 2025 Spring Season?
      All players "League Age" 4-14 and living within or attending a school that is within the GVSLL boundaries are eligible to register (see League Choice Exceptions in next section). Check the Boundaries page for a Boundary Map and Age Chart page for Age Determination Chart. These boundaries are set by Little League International. If you have any questions about eligibility, contact the Player Agent.
    • NEW for 2025 - League Choice
      Players league age seven (7) and under may register in any Little League program without respect to any geography-related eligibility or school enrollment eligibility requirements. Waivers may still be required!

      NOTE: Players registering under this option are fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.

      NOTE: Older siblings may also move to GVSLL under the League Choice option if their younger sibling maintains eligibility.

      If you have any questions about eligibility, contact the Player Agent.
    • I am a returning player who has moved outside the boundaries. Can I register?
      If a player has moved outside GVSLL boundaries, yet has a history of continuous play with the GVSLL during the regular season (not Fall Ball), the player is still eligible to play in this league on a waiver. Be sure to let us know if you move outside our boundaries so we can request a waiver for you.  If you have any question about eligibility, contact the Player Agent
    • I don't live within the boundaries, but played Fall Ball. Can I register?
      Maybe. Fall Ball was not bound by Little League residency rules, and we were therefore able to register players that live in other Little League boundaries. For the Spring Season, players must live inside the GVSLL boundaries OR apply for a waiver.  Please contact the League Player Agent if a waiver is needed.  
    • How do I know my "league age"?
      Look at the  Age Chart page  to find your child's league age.
    • Where can I play baseball if I don't live within the GVSLL boundaries?
      You can apply for a waiver to play with GVSLL even if you don't live within boundaries if your child attends a school in the boundaries (contact the Player Agent).  Without a waiver... if you live in Goleta, west of Kellogg Ave, check out Dos Pueblos Little League. If you live in Santa Barbara Downtown/South of the GVSLL Boundaries, check out Carpinteria Valley Little League. If you are not within the boundaries of either Little League, try Santa Barbara Pony Baseball.
    • Does GVSLL include girls softball teams?
      No, GVSLL consists of only co-ed baseball teams. Most of our players are boys, but girls are welcome! If you are looking for a girls softball team, contact the Goleta Valley Girls Softball Association.
  • General Information

    • When does the Spring Season start?
      Teams will be formed in late January with practices beginning in early February. Games will begin in early March, and will end early to mid June. T-Ball teams will be formed in late February, with games typically running for an 8 week season from mid-March to mid-May. Important dates will be posted on the Calendar as available.
    • Where are games played?
      Most games are played at the GVSLL Fields, 4540 Hollister Ave, Santa Barbara, CA. The Junior teams may play some games at other locations. We make every attempt to schedule as many games as possible at GVSLL!
    • What time commitment is required?
      Beginning in February, teams will practice 2-3 times per week. Once games begin in early March, teams play 2 games per week, usually once during the week and once on the weekend. Teams usually practice 1-2 times per week once games start. All T-Ball teams will play twice per week. Some T-ball teams do not practice once games begin, while other teams continue to hold 1 practice per week at the discretion of the Manager.
    • What will I need to buy?
      The league will provide a uniform jersey and hat. To complete the uniform, you will need baseball pants, socks, and a belt. Wait on purchasing these until your Manager tells you what color to buy. You may want to buy a second pair of baseball pants for practice (any color). You will also need a baseball glove and cleats. It is not necessary for younger players (Minors or younger) to purchase baseball-specific cleats - soccer or football cleats will do fine if you already have them. Older players should purchase baseball cleats. Metal cleats are allowed in the Junior Division only.
    • Are parents required to volunteer?
      Yes, we need everyone's help! All families are required to work two volunteer shifts (approximately 3 hours) per player, including Board Members, Managers, Team Moms, etc. GVSLL is entirely a volunteer organization, and it takes all of us to keep things running! Please read the Volunteer Commitment Page for more information. In addition to the required volunteer shifts, each team will need help with scorekeeping, announcing, field maintenance, Opening Day, etc. There are lots of fun and rewarding ways to contribute.
    • Are there any fundraisers during the Spring Season?
      Opening Day is our big fundraiser for the season. Families will be asked to contribute by selling raffle tickets, contributing to their team Silent Auction basket, donating items for the Silent Auction, providing Bake Sale items, purchasing tickets for the Opening Day BBQ and purchasing items from the Silent Auction and Bake Sale. It can be overwhelming to be asked to participate in so many ways so early in the year . . . but on the positive side, fundraising is over for the season after Opening Day! Participation is not mandatory, but please realize that we need the funds raised by Opening Day to keep our registration fees as low as possible.
    • Why don't you post player information and statistics?
      We do not post player information due to privacy concerns, which is also why the Team/Rosters page is password protected. We do not post statistics because we want the players to focus on learning baseball and on playing for their team, instead of focusing on their own individual statistics. Teams may keep individual statistics based on Manager preference.
  • Registration

    • When can I register for the Spring season?
      On-line registration opens in late November. Detailed registration instructions will be emailed to returning regular season GVSLL players by mid-December. If you are not a returning player but would like to be added to our distribution list, fill out the Contact Info Form at the bottom of the Home page .
    • How do I register?
      All Registration is done online via the GVSLL Website.  
    • Do you offer scholarships?
      The league does offer a limited number of partial scholarships for families who cannot afford the fee. Scholarship families work additional volunteer shifts in return for reduced registration fees. Contact the Player Agent for details.
    • Why was I asked for a $200 volunteer deposit?
      All GVSLL families are required to work one volunteer shift per player. Your check will be returned or destroyed at the end of the season if you work your shift. For more information on the volunteer commitment, please read the Volunteer Commitment Page.
  • Skills Evaluation

    • Why does my child need to be evaluated?
      If your child's league age ranges between 7 and 11, they are being evaluated to determine which Division will best suit them: Mini-Minors (machine pitch), Minors, or Majors. This process places the player in a Division where they can compete fairly and get the most out of the season. Older players (12-15 yr olds) are being evaluated purely for draft purposes and to help us put together teams with as much parity as possible within each Division.
    • What happens at the skills evaluation?
      Players should bring a baseball glove and be dressed to play ball (baseball pants, hat, belt and cleats). When a player checks in they will be given a large sticker with a number on it to put on the front of their shirt. Players of the same age will be evaluated together, and will visit three different drill stations: Outfield, where they will be asked to catch several fly balls; Infield, where they will be asked to field several balls from the shortstop position and throw to 1st base; and Hitting, where a coach will throw several pitches for each player to hit. The Team Managers observe the players during the evaluation. 
    • Do all players have to attend the skills evaluation?
      Everyone except T-Ball players must be evaluated to determine which Division is appropriate to the player's skill level! This includes returning Major Division players, because the Major Division is re-drafted every spring. 
    • Should my 7-year old attend the evaluation?
      Many 7-year-olds play T-Ball; however a significant number of experienced 7-year-olds are drafted into the Mini-Minors, depending on the current age distribution in the league. If your child has already played two years of T-Ball and you feel he/she is ready to hit a pitched ball, go ahead and attend the evaluation. If your child is not drafted by a Mini-Minor team, he/she will be placed on a T-Ball team. 7-year-olds who intend to try out for the Mini-Minors should pay the full fee, and we'll refund the extra money if you are placed in T-Ball. A child MUST attend the evaluation to be eligible for the Mini-Minor draft. Older players will have priority. Although it varies from year to year, last season about half our 7-year-olds played T-Ball and half played Mini-Minors.
    • Should my 6-year-old attend the evaluation?
      Little League International rules specify that 6-year-olds should play in the T-Ball Division. Occasionally waivers are granted, generally in cases where a safety issue is involved. Very few 6-year-olds are ready to play in the Mini-Minors. Keep in mind that your child would be playing with 9-year-olds. Please contact the Mini-Minor Vice President  if you want your experienced 6-year old to be evaluated. Unless the League decides to apply for a waiver for your child, realize that he/she will be placed on a T-Ball team. A child MUST attend the evaluation to be eligible for the Mini-Minor draft. Older players will have priority.
    • Is it possible to "fail" the skills evaluation?
      The skills evaluation is NOT a "try-out;" your registration as a GVSLL player is NOT dependent on how well you do at the evaluation. The purpose is to place players in the appropriate Division and draft competitive teams so that the players get the most out of the season.
    • What if I can't make my scheduled evaluation time?
      If possible, attend the alternate session for the same age group. It is far preferable to be evaluated with your age group, because the Managers from the appropriate Division(s) will be there at that time. If your child can't make either session for your age group, attend a session for the age group just above or below your own. If this is just not possible, contact the League to make other arrangements.
    • What happens if I totally miss the skills evaluation?
      Players who miss the evaluations are not eligible for the open draft, and will be placed on a team by the Player Agent. In general, players who are not evaluated may NOT move up to the next Division; for example, a 10-year-old would be placed in the Minors, an 8-year-old in the Mini-Minors, and 7-year-old in T-Ball.
  • Team Placement

    • How are teams formed?
      Open drafts are held for each Division except T-Ball. Team Managers take turns choosing players, based on their ratings for each player from the skills evaluation. Drafts are held starting with the highest Division, going in reverse order (Juniors, Majors, Minors, Mini-Minors). There is no T-Ball draft. T-Ball teams are formed by the T-Ball Vice President and the Player Agent, placing children from the same school together if possible.
    • Can I request placement with a friend or a specific coach?
      Since the teams are formed through a draft, we cannot accommodate special requests except in the case of siblings in the same Division. We will do our best to honor requests from T-Ball players. If you have a request, please note it on your form when you turn it in.
    • What is the difference between the different divisions?
      For a description of the different levels of play, check out the Divisions page. In general, players are placed in a Division based on their age and skill level.
    • If I played Fall Ball, will I definitely play in the same Division in the Spring?
      Not necessarily. During Fall Ball, players were assigned to a Division based on age. In the Spring there is a more formal placement process, with a skills evaluation and a draft. The level of play is more competitive during the Spring season, and there are many more players and teams. It is possible that a Fall Ball Major Division player will be drafted onto a Minor Division team during the Spring season or that a Fall Ball Minor Division player will be drafted onto a Spring Mini-Minor team. Your Fall Ball experience is unknown to the Managers drafting teams, and is not taken into account.
    • If I played in the Majors last Spring, will I play in the Majors this year for sure?
      Yes. All returning Major Division players will be drafted onto Major Division teams. Also, returning Minor and Mini-minor Division players will not be drafted into a lower Division this year (so, a returning Minor player will play in either the Minors or Majors this year, and a returning Mini-Minor player will play in either the Mini-Minors or Minors).
    • What if I don't want my 8 or 10 year-old to "move up" a Division?
      Based on the skills evaluation, each player will be drafted onto a team in the Division judged appropriate for his/her skill level. Some parents object strongly to their child being placed in the higher Division. On the registration form, parents of 8 and 10 year-olds will be asked if they are open to their child moving up if so drafted. If you feel strongly that your child should stay down please be sure to indicate this on the registration form. If you change your mind after you register, you must inform the Player Agent before the draft occurs. Note that although your request will be considered, the final decision on where a player is placed is made by the league, based on the age distribution of the league and the results of the skills evaluation.
    • When and how will I know what team I am on?
      Drafts for the Junior, Major, Minor, and Mini-Minor Divisions are held the first week of February. You will hear from your team Manager in early February. Team rosters will be posted on the website after the draft; once everyone have been notified by their Manager. T-Ball teams are formed in mid to late February, and you will hear from your Manager by late February or early March.
  • Volunteering

    • How do I apply to be the Manager or Coach of a GVSLL team?
      If you would like to volunteer as a Manager or Coach, you need to submit a GVSLL Manager/Coach Registration. Also, when you register your child you will be given the opportunity to indicate if you are interested in volunteering as a Manager, Coach, Team Mom, Team Dad, or Umpire. Managers are chosen by the GVSLL Board of Directors. Managers take responsibility for the team, draft the players, and act as the Head Coach. After the team is drafted, the Manager will recruit Coaches from the team parents. The Manager will receive your registration form, so if you have indicated an interest in helping to coach, the Manager will have that information.
    • How do I volunteer to be a Team Parent?
      Every team needs a Team Parent! The Team Parent keeps the team organized and acts as the communication link between the League, the Manager, and the team's parents. The Team Parent helps the coach by taking responsibility for securing volunteers for field maintenance before or after the game as required assigning volunteer shifts during the game (such as scorekeeper). The Team Parent also helps organize fundraising and social efforts. When you register your child you will be given the opportunity to indicate your willingness to be a Team Parent. This information will be given to the Team Manager after the draft. It is the responsibility of the Team Manager to recruit a Team Parent. All volunteers must submit a Volunteer Application, required by Little League International.
    • Do you do background checks on volunteers?
      Every local Little League is required by Little League International to perform a background check on all volunteers who will be working directly with the players (Board Members, Managers, Coaches, Team Parents, parents who help out at practices, etc.) Specifically, we are required to verify that volunteers have not been convicted of, or pled guilty to any offense against a minor. All volunteers are required to submit a Volunteer Application. A list of cleared volunteers is compiled. Only cleared volunteers are permitted to interact with the players during games or practices. We do NOT do background checks on parents signed up for mandatory volunteer shifts such as working in the Concession Stand or at the Field Work Days. If there is any chance you will be helping out with the team, please submit this application.
    • Do you need umpires? How do I get started as an umpire?
      We always need good umpires! No previous experience is necessary - we will train you. Teenagers are welcome to volunteer, and can earn community service hours. Please consider helping out your team, and the League, by sharing your love of baseball through this important and rewarding role. Click here for more information.
  • Spring Season

    • Can I sponsor my child's team?
      Every team needs a sponsor! Team sponsorship includes a banner to be displayed by the team at each game. There are other sponsorship options also. Check out the Sponsorship page for details. Contact our Director of Sponsorships early if you are interested in sponsoring your child's team before someone beats you to it!
    • What is Opening Day?
      Opening Day takes place in the beginning of March, and is a celebration of the new season and our main fundraiser. Team and Individual pictures will be taken in the morning (schedule to be posted in February). During the formal ceremonies, each team will parade onto the field together and be introduced to the crowd, displaying their sponsor's banner. Following a short program, a BBQ lunch is served. In the afternoon, there will be a variety of fun activities for the kids. And for the adults, the Silent Auction and Bake Sale are going all day! Please mark your calendar and plan to attend!
    • Are there any changes to the rules this year?
      Little League International updates the rules every year. All local Little Leagues are bound by these rules, but can also enact more restrictive local rules. Rule Changes on the Little League web site.
  • Rain-Outs

    • Who determines if games or practices are cancelled due to rain, and how will I know?
      The decision on whether to close the GVSLL fields is made by the GVSLLFields Director and/or the Safety Officer. Field closures or special instructions will be posted on the website and texted as soon as possible on the day of the game as a News Alert on the front page. Status of practices held away from the GVSLL fields are up to the Team Manager.
    • What if conditions change?
      Status is posted on the home page in the early afternoon on week days; obviously conditions can worsen later in the day. If a later update is available, it will be posted as soon as possible. Please do not call Board Members to ask for status. If we know, it will be posted. When in doubt, assume the game will go on as scheduled. The umpire will cancel the game or end it early if conditions are not safe.
    • Will rain-out games be rescheduled?
      We will make every effort to reschedule rain-outs, but as a general rule, cancelled games will only be rescheduled if they have a bearing on which teams make it to the playoffs.
    • What about rained-out concession shifts?
      First of all, be certain that your shift is truly rained out. Check this website for news of field closures, and do not just assume that your shift is cancelled if you see it raining. If your concession shift is truly rained out, please reschedule for another shift. Every year we have more shifts than we have people to cover them, and so even though we'd love to return your check when your shift is cancelled, we are not able to do so. We also make every effort to reschedule rained out games, so enjoy the rainy day somewhere other than the concession stand, but please sign up for another shift to cover your volunteer commitment.
    • What about rained-out Field Work days?
      If a Field Work day is cancelled due to rain, it will be rescheduled - the work still needs to get done! Volunteers will be contacted with a new date.


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